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The Dental Dilemma: Should Your Wisdom Teeth Stay or Go?

April 30, 2024

Wisdom teeth, the last permanent teeth to develop and emerge in our mouths, have a reputation for causing problems. This is because as human jaws have become smaller over time, there's often not enough room for these third molars to come into place correctly. Research suggests that this change in jaw size can be linked to changes in diet and an increase in brain size during human evolution. Despite the challenges they pose, wisdom teeth are still a fascinating part of our dental anatomy.

Out of every 10 people, approximately 8.5 will need to have their wisdom teeth removed. This is because these teeth can become impacted or cause issues for the adjacent teeth and surrounding tissues. Most individuals develop four wisdom teeth, but there are cases where some people don't develop any, others develop fewer than four, or even situations where extra ones emerge. Unless they are impacted, these teeth generally erupt and emerge through the gums at the back of the mouth between the ages of 17 and 21 years.

An impacted wisdom tooth is one that remains submerged under gum tissue or bone and cannot erupt into position. Depending on the type and amount of overlying tissue, impactions can be classified in different ways. Soft tissue impactions occur when a wisdom tooth remains covered by gum tissue, while bony impactions happen when a wisdom tooth remains completely or partially obstructed by bone.

At the office of Park Slope Family Dentistry, PC, we prioritize our patients' dental health at every checkup visit. Our examination includes checking the development, location, and health of the wisdom teeth, as well as the adjacent teeth and surrounding tissues. If your third molars have room to erupt into place, align correctly, do not have large cavities, and do not cause damage to the surrounding teeth or tissues, extractions may not be necessary. However, if we recommend wisdom teeth extractions, we may perform the procedure in our office or make a referral to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Each case is unique, and we tailor our approach accordingly.

If you're concerned about your wisdom teeth or are experiencing any discomfort, don't hesitate to give us a call. Our dedicated staff at the office of Park Slope Family Dentistry, PC is always here to help, whether it's answering your questions or scheduling an appointment for a checkup. Remember, taking care of your dental health is essential for maintaining a healthy smile and overall well-being.